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Tattooing involves using a needle to inject inks into the epidermis.


Following a tattoo procedure, it is important to provide proper care for the tattooed area until all dead skin cells have naturally shed and the ink has been effectively absorbed into the skin. 


Throughout the healing process, various symptoms such as roseola, tingling, redness, and others may occur. 


to adhere to the following aftercare instructions:

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• Apply a thick layer of Vaseline before showering to prevent the tattoo area from getting wet. (1 week)



• Apply at least 5 times a day, very thinly and frequently with clean hands. (2-3 weeks)



Your artist will apply a medical film to the tattooed area after the session to prevent contamination or exposure to external elements.

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After taking a shower, remove the film and gently wipe off any discharges and ink with a wet tissue or water. 

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Allow your skin to air dry before applying Bepanthol. The ink coming out the next day is a natural reaction, so there is no need to worry about it.


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You may notice the presence of dead skin cells on the tattoo. The timing and visibility of dead skin cells may vary depending on your skin type, and in some cases, they may not appear at all.

To prevent the tattoo from becoming dry until all dead skin cells have been shed, it is important to apply Bepanthol in a very thin layer using clean hands.

It is crucial to refrain from scratching the tattoo, even if it becomes itchy. Instead, lightly tapping around the tattoo is an acceptable alternative.


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Dead skin cells will naturally shed within one to three weeks. It is important not to intentionally remove them and avoid rubbing them off.


Initially, the presence of dead skin cells may cause the colors of the tattoo to appear lighter, but this is completely normal. You can assess the final color of the tattoo once all dead skin cells have been naturally eliminated.


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After the shedding of all dead skin cells, there still is a possibility that the skin may not be fully healed. Certain areas may still be undergoing the healing process, but they may not be visible. For a period of two weeks following the shedding of dead skin cells, it is important to avoid any actions that may irritate the skin, as the tattoo area and its surroundings are particularly susceptible to irritation and can quickly become dry. Keep your skin moisturized by applying a tattoo ointment or a gentle lotion.

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• Immediately following the session, you are allowed to take a shower, but it is advisable to refrain from using hot water. Take care to prevent soaps or any other products from seeping into the tattooed area.


• Refrain from drinking alcohol for the next 1-2 weeks.

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• For a duration of one month, it is important to avoid bathing or swimming to minimize the risk of infection in the treated area. Infections can have a substantial impact on both the healed colour of the tattoo and the condition of your skin.

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• During the next 1-2 weeks, feel free to engage in light exercise, but be cautious to prevent friction and avoid intense physical activity that may cause sweating.

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• If the extreme redness and burning sensation in the tattooed area worsen instead of subsiding within a week of the procedure, it is recommended to seek assistance and consider taking anti-inflammatory medication. It is also possible to take preemptive measures by taking medication beforehand to prevent inflammation. In the event that the inflammation worsens, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist.


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